A look at the Miraculous Aspect of Quran
Mansour Pahlavan |
Abstract: (808 Views) |
Mansour Pahlavan
University Professor, Tehran University
Abstract: most Quran interpreters and scholars have arguments regarding the miraculous aspect of Quran. Some of them put more emphasize on rhetoric and literary aspects of it and some others on spiritual and meaning of it.
The issues concerning miraculous aspect of Quran can be considered of two parts: the first one why has not the word miracle been mentioned in Quran per.se. and if it is true to apply this word for verses of Quran?
The second, why, in Quran and traditions of infallibles, is there no talk of eloquence and rhetoric of Quran? But instead some descriptions like guidance, Light, reason, proof, Sultan,… have been used. The meaning-wise and content-wise miraculous aspect of Quran are more important than eloquence and rhetoric of it and some Shia scholars highly emphasized on them.
Keywords: miracle, aspects of miracle, rhetoric miracle, eloquence and rhetoric, meaning-, and content-based miracle, verse, reason, proof, Ḥujjat, guidance, taḥaddi (challenge others) |
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Type of Study: Research |
General Received: 2020/09/15 | Accepted: 2020/09/15 | Published: 2020/09/16
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